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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 105 of 334 (31%)

When o'er the hill the eastern star
Tells bughtin-time is near, my jo; [folding-]
And owsen frae the furrow'd field [oxen]
Return sae dowf and wearie O; [dull]
Down by the burn, where scented birks
Wi' dew are hanging clear, my jo, [sweetheart]
I'll meet thee on the lea-rig, [grassy ridge]
My ain kind dearie O. [own]

In mirkest glen, at midnight hour, [darkest]
I'd rove, and ne'er be eerie O, [scared]
If thro' that glen I gaed to thee, [went]
My ain kind dearie O.
Altho' the night were ne'er sae wild,
And I were ne'er sae wearie O,
I'd meet thee on the lea-rig,
My ain kind dearie O.

The hunter lo'es the morning sun, [loves]
To rouse the mountain deer, my jo;
At noon the fisher takes the glen,
Along the burn to steer, my jo;
Gie me the hour o' gloamin grey [twilight]
It maks my heart sae cheery O,
To meet thee on the lea-rig,
My ain kind dearie O.

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