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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 123 of 334 (36%)


Here awa, there awa, wandering Willie, [away]
Here awa, there awa, haud awa hame; [hold]
Come to my bosom, my ae only dearie, [one]
Tell me thou bring'st me my Willie the same.

Loud tho' the winter blew cauld at our parting,
'Twas na the blast brought the tear in my e'e;
Welcome now, Simmer, and welcome, my Willie,
The Simmer to Nature, my Willie to me!

Rest, ye wild storms, in the cave o' your slumbers;
How your dread howling a lover alarms!
Wauken, ye breezes, row gently, ye billows, [Awake]
And waft my dear laddie ance mair to my arms. [once more]

But oh, if he's faithless, and minds na his Nannie,
Flow still between us, thou wide-roaring main;
May I never see it, may I never trow it,
But, dying, believe that my Willie's my ain! [own]


How lang and dreary is the night.
When I am frae my dearie!
I restless lie frae e'en to morn,
Tho' I were ne'er sae weary.
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