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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 124 of 334 (37%)

For O, her lanely nights are lang;
And O, her dreams are eerie; [fearful]
And O, her widow'd heart is sair, [sore]
That's absent frae her dearie.

When I think on the lightsome days
I spent wi' thee, my dearie,
And now that seas between us roar,
How can I be but eerie!

How slow ye move, ye heavy hours;
The joyless day how drearie!
It wasna sae ye glinted by, [glanced]
When I was wi' my dearie.


O how can I be blithe and glad,
Or how can I gang brisk and braw, [go, fine]
When the bonnie lad that I lo'e best
Is o'er the hills and far awa?

It's no the frosty winter wind,
It's no the driving drift and snaw;
But aye the tear comes in my e'e,
To think on him that's far awa.

My father pat me frae his door, [put]
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