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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 125 of 334 (37%)
My friends they hae disown'd me a':
But I hae ane will tak my part, [have one]
The bonnie lad that's far awa.

A pair o' gloves he bought to me,
And silken snoods he gae me twa; [fillets, gave]
And I will wear them for his sake,
The bonnie lad that's far awa.

O weary winter soon will pass,
And spring will cleed the birken shaw: [clothe, birch woods]
And my young babie will be born,
And he'll be hame that's far awa.


Braw braw lads on Yarrow braes, [hills]
That wander thro' the blooming heather;
But Yarrow braes nor Ettrick shaws [woods]
Can match the lads o' Gala Water.

But there is ane, a secret ane,
Aboon them a' I lo'e him better; [love]
And I'll be his, and he'll be mine,
The bonnie lad o' Gala Water.

Altho' his daddie was nae laird, [landlord]
And tho' I hae nae meikle tocher, [much dowry]
Yet rich in kindest, truest love,
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