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Elsie Inglis - The Woman with the Torch by Eva Shaw McLaren
page 3 of 118 (02%)



"To light a path for men to come" is the privilege of the pioneer; and
the life of a pioneer, the hewer of a new path, is always encouraging,
whether he who goes before to open the way be a voyager to the Poles or
the uttermost parts of the earth, in imminent danger of physical death,
or whether he be an adventurer, cutting a path to a new race
consciousness, revealing the power of service in new vocations, evoking
new powers, and living in hourly danger of mental suffocation by
prejudices and inhibitions of race tradition.

The women's irresistible movement, which has so suddenly flooded all
departments of work previously considered the monopoly of men, required
from the leaders indomitable courage, selflessness, and faith, qualities
of imperishable splendour; and to read the life of Elsie Inglis is to
recognize instantly that she was one of these ruthless adventurers,
hewing her way through all perils and difficulties to bring to pass the
dreams of thousands of women. The world's standard of success may appear
to give the prize to those who collect things, but in reality the crown
of victory, the laurel wreath, the tribute beyond all material value, is
always reserved for those invisible, intangible qualities which are
evinced in character.
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