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Elsie Inglis - The Woman with the Torch by Eva Shaw McLaren
page 4 of 118 (03%)

It is wonderful to read how slowly and surely that character was formed
through twenty years of monotonous routine. The establishing of a
Hospice for women and children, run entirely by women, was not a popular
movement, and through long years of dull, arduous work, patient, silent,
honest, dedicated unconsciously to the service of others, she laid the
foundations which led to her great achievement, and so, full of courage
and growing in power, like Nelson she developed a blind eye, to which
she put her telescope in times of bewilderment; she could never see the
difficulties which loomed large in her way--sex prejudices and mountains
of race convictions to be moved--and so she moved them!

In founding The Hospice she gave herself first to the women and children
round her; later, in the urgent call of the Suffrage movement, she
devoted herself whole-heartedly to the service of the women of the
country, and so she was ready when the war came. Her own country refused
her services; but Providence has a strange way of turning what appears
to be evil into great good. The refusal of the British Government to
accept the services of medically trained women caused them to offer
their services elsewhere; and so she went first to help the French, and
then to encourage and serve Serbia in her dire need.

And so from the first she was a pioneer: in doing medical work among
women and children; in achieving the rights of citizenship for women;
and in the further great adventure of establishing the true League of
Nations which lies in the will to serve mankind.


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