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Elsie Inglis - The Woman with the Torch by Eva Shaw McLaren
page 5 of 118 (04%)


A most interesting _Life_ of Elsie Inglis, written a short time ago by
the Lady Frances Balfour, has had a wide circulation which has proved
the appreciation of the public.

This second _Life_ appears at the request of The Society for Promoting
Christian Knowledge that I should write a short memoir of my sister, to
be included in the "Pioneers of Progress" Series which it is publishing.
I undertake the duty with joy.

In accordance with the series in which it appears, the _Life_ is a short
one, but it has been possible to incorporate in it some fresh material.
Not the least interesting is what has been taken from the manuscript of
a novel by Dr. Inglis, found amongst her papers some time after her
death. It is called _The Story of a Modern Woman_. It was probably
written between the years 1906 and 1914; the outbreak of the war may
have prevented its publication. The date given in the first chapter of
the story is 1904. Very evidently the book expresses Elsie Inglis's
views on life. Quotations have been made from it, as it gives an insight
into her own character and experiences.

The endeavour has been made to draw a picture of her as she appeared to
those who knew her best. She was certainly a fine character, full of
life and movement, ever growing and developing, ever glorying in new
adventure. There was no stagnation about Elsie Inglis. Independent,
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