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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 34 of 202 (16%)
Another nod from Buddie.

"Here's my setting of that," said the Donkey; and after a few
introductory chords, he sang:

"'Oh, why do you cry, my pretty little maid,
With a Boo-hoo-hoo and a Heigho?'
'I've spilled my milk, kind sir,' she said,
And the Cat said, 'Me-oh! my-oh!'

'No use to cry, my pretty little maid,
With a Boo-hoo-hoo and a Heigho.'
'But what shall I do, kind sir?' she said,
And the Cat said, 'Me-oh! my-oh!'

'Why, dry your eyes, my pretty little maid,
With a Boo-hoo-hoo and a Heigho.'
'Oh, thank you, thank you, sir,' she said,
And the Cat said, 'Me-oh! my-oh!'"

"How do you like my voice?" asked the Donkey, in a tone that said very
plainly: "If you don't like it you're no judge of singing."

Buddie did not at once reply. A professional critic would have said, and
enjoyed saying, that the voice was of the hit-or-miss variety; that it
was pitched too high (all donkeys make that mistake); that it was harsh,
rasping and unsympathetic, and that altogether the performance was "not

Now, Little One, although Buddie was not a professional critic, and
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