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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 35 of 202 (17%)
neither knew how to wound nor enjoyed wounding, even _she_ found the
Donkey's voice harsh; but she did not wish to hurt his feelings--for
donkeys _have_ feelings, in spite of a popular opinion to the contrary.
And, after all, it was pretty good singing for a donkey. Critics should
not, as they sometimes do, apply to donkeys the standards by which
nightingales are judged. So Buddie was able to say, truthfully and

"I think you do very well; very well, indeed."

It was a small tribute, but the Donkey was so blinded by conceit that he
accepted it as the greatest compliment.

"I _ought_ to sing well," he said. "I've studied methods enough. The
more methods you try, you know, the more of a donkey you are."

"Oh, yes," murmured Buddie, not understanding in the least.

"Yes," went on the Donkey; "I've taken the Donkesi Method, the Sobraylia
Method, the Thistlefixu Method--"

"I'm afraid I don't quite know what you mean by 'methods,'" ventured

The Donkey regarded her with a pitying smile.

"A method," he explained, "is a way of singing 'Ah!' For example, in the
Thistlefixu Method, which I am at present using, I fill my mouth full of
thistles, stand on one leg, take in a breath three yards long, and sing
'Ah!' The only trouble with this method is that the thistles tickle your
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