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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 36 of 202 (17%)
throat and make you cough, and you have to spray the vocal cords twice a
day, which is considerable trouble, especially when traveling, as _I_
always am."

"I should think it _would_ be," said Buddie. "Won't you sing something

"I'm a little hoarse," apologized the singer.

"That's what you want to be, isn't it?" said Buddie, misunderstanding

"Hee-haw!" laughed the Donkey. "Is that a joke? I mean my _throat_ is

"And the rest of you is donkey!" cried Buddie, who could see a point as
quickly as any one of her age.

"There's something to that," said the other, thoughtfully. "Now, if the
_hoarseness_ should spread--"

"And you became _horse_ all over--"

"Why, then--"

"Why, then--"

"Think of another old saw," said the Donkey, picking up his lute.

"No; I don't believe I can remember any more old saws," said Buddie,
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