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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume III. (of X.) by Various
page 49 of 202 (24%)
Latin, if 'twas only sich a thin patch of a book as that."

In a few weeks, to my no small surprise, Mr. Solomon Rapid again
presented himself; and drawing forth the book began with a triumphant
expression of countenance:

"Well, sir, I have done the Latin."

"Done the Latin!"

"Yes, I can read it as fast as English."

"Read it as fast as English!!"

"Yes, as fast as English--and I didn't find it hard at all."

"May I try you on a page?"

"Try away, try away; that's what I've come for."

"Please read here then, Mr. Rapid;" and in order to give him a fair
chance, I pointed to the first lines of the first chapter, viz.: "In
principio Deus creavit coelum et terram intra sex dies; primo die
fecit lucem," etc.

"That, sir?" and then he read thus, "In prinspo duse creevit kalelum et
terrum intra sex dyes--primmo dye fe-fe-sit looseum," etc.

"That will do, Mr. Rapid--"

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