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Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collections Obtained From The Indians Of New Mexico And Arizona In 1879 - Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the - Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-81, - Government Printing Office, Washington, 18 by James Stevenson
page 2 of 251 (00%)
want of space was not included in that volume. Before the necessity of
this action was made apparent the matter had been stereotyped and it was
impossible to change the figure numbers, etc. This will explain the
seeming irregularity in the numbering of the figures--the first one of
this paper following the last one of the above-mentioned report. The
second catalogue, that of the collection of 1880, also included in this
volume, has been made to correspond with the first, the figure numbers
following in regular order.


WASHINGTON, _January 3, 1881_.

SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith an illustrated catalogue
exhibiting in part the results of the ethnologic and archaeologic
explorations made under your direction in New Mexico and Arizona during
the summer of 1879.

As you are already familiar with the mode of travel and the labor
necessary in making such investigations and explorations, as well as the
incidents common to such undertakings, and as I do not consider them of
any special interest or value to the catalogue, I have omitted such

I beg, however, in this connection, to refer to the services of Messrs.
F. H. Cushing, ethnologist of the Smithsonian Institution, and J. K.
Hillers, photographic artist of the Bureau of Ethnology, both of whom
accompanied me on the expedition.

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