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Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collections Obtained From The Indians Of New Mexico And Arizona In 1879 - Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the - Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-81, - Government Printing Office, Washington, 18 by James Stevenson
page 3 of 251 (01%)
Mr. Cushing’s duties were performed with intelligence and zeal
throughout. After the field-work of the season was completed he remained
with the Indians for the purpose of studying the habits, customs,
manners, political and religious organizations, and language of the
people; also to explore the ancient caves of that region. His inquiries
will prove of the utmost interest and importance to science. Mr. Hillers
labored with equal zeal and energy. His work is of the greatest value in
illustrating some of the most interesting features of our
investigations. He made a large series of negatives depicting nearly
every feature of the Pueblo villages and their inhabitants. The beauty
and perfection of the photographs themselves fully attest the value and
importance of his work.

I would extend most cordial thanks to General Sherman for the special
interest he manifested in our work, and for directions given by him to
the officers of the Army serving in the West to assist us in carrying
out the objects of the expedition; and to the officers who so cordially
rendered such aid.

To General Edward Hatch, commanding the district of New Mexico, we are
indebted for valuable information and material assistance, which were
liberally granted, and to which in great part our success was due. The
party also received valuable aid from Gen. George P. Buell, U.S.A., who
was in command at Fort Wingate during our work at Zuñi, for which I am
pleased to extend thanks. The large number and variety of objects
collected by the members of the expedition, and the many difficulties
incident to such undertakings, as well as the limited time devoted to
the preparation of the catalogue, will account for any imperfections it
may contain.

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