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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 96 of 194 (49%)
wasn't going to show her hand before the boys. So quick as thought
she pulls the youngster in, with his valise, and shuts the door.

"'Well, _sir_, we cooled our heels outside there for a spell, but
nothing occurred. So at last we made tracks back here to the saloon,
owning to ourselves that Flo didn't need to be taught how to receive
a surprise party. 'But,' says I, 'you'll have the minister back here
before long; and I anticipate he'll ask questions.' I'd hardly said
the words before the door flung open behind me. It wasn't the
youngster, though, but Flo herself; and a flaming rage she was in.
'See here, boys,' she begins, 'this is a dirty game, and you'd better
be ashamed of yourselves! I'm ashamed of you, Bill, anyway,' she
says, tossing me back my letter; and then, turning short round on
Huz-and-Buz, 'If old Iniquity, here, started the racket, it's nateral
to him: he had a decent woman once for his wife, _and beat her_.
But there's others of you oughter know that your same reasons for
thinking light of a woman are reasons against driving the joke too
hard.' 'You're right, Flo,' says I, 'and I beg your pardon.'
'I dunno that I'll grant it,' she says. 'Lord knows,' she says,
'It ain't for any of us here to be heaving dirt at each other; but I
will say you oughter be feeling mean, the way you've served that
young man. Why, boys,' she says, opening her eyes wide, like as if
'twas a thing unheard of, 'he's _good_! And oh, boys, he's sick,
too!' 'Is he so?' I says; 'I feel cheap.' 'You oughter,' says she.
'What's to be done?' says I. 'Well, the first thing,' she says,
'that you've got to do is to come right along and paint my fence';
then, seeing I looked a bit puzzled--'Some of you boys have taken the
liberty to write up some pretty free compliments about my premises;
and as the most of you was born before spelling-bees came in fashion,
I don't want my new boarder to come down to-morrow and form his own
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