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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 97 of 194 (50%)
opinion about your education.' Well, sir, we went off in a party and
knocked up old Peter, and got a pot of paint, and titivated No. 67 by
the light of a couple of lanterns; and the Bishop--as we came to call
him--sleeping the sleep of the just upstairs all the time.
_Un_fortunately, Peter had made a mistake and given us green paint
instead of blue, and by that light none of us could tell the
difference; so I guess the Bishop next morning allowed that Miss
Montmorency had ideas of her own on 'mural decoration,' as
Huz-and-Buz calls it. When we got the job fixed, Flo steps inside
the gate, and says she, looking over it, 'Boys, I'm grateful.
And now I'm going to play a lone hand, and I look to you not to
interfere. Good night.' From that day to this, sir, she's kept
straight, and held off the drink in a manner you wouldn't credit.
The Bishop, he thinks her an angel on earth; and to see them
promenading down the sidewalk arm-in-arm of an afternoon is as good
as a dime exhibition. I'm bound to own the boys act up. You wait
till you see her pass, and the way the hats fly off. Old Huz-and-Buz
came pretty near to getting lynched the first week, for playing the
smarty and drawling out as they went by, 'Miss Montmorency, I
believe?' to imitate the way in which the Bishop introduced himself.
I guess he won't be humorous again for a considerable spell.
And now, Doctor, I hope I've put the facts straight for you?'

"'You have,' I answered, draining my glass; 'and they do several
people credit.'

"'Wait a bit. You haven't heard what I'm coming to. That young man
is poor.'

"'So I gather.'
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