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Wandering Heath by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
page 98 of 194 (50%)

"'And I'm speaking now in the name of the boys. There was a meeting
held just now, while you were dropping your card on the Bishop; and
I'm to tell you, as deputy, that trouble ain't to be spared over him.
It's a hopeless case; but you hear--trouble ain't to be spared; and
the municipality foots the--'

"'Hold hard, there,' I broke in; and told him how the land lay.
When I'd done he held out a huge but well-shaped hand, palm upwards.

"'Put it there,' he said.

"We shook hands, and walked together (still to the strain of
'Juliana') as far as the Necropolis gate. I observed that several
citizens appeared at the doors of the saloons along our route, and
looked inquiringly at Captain Bill, who answered in each case with a

"'That passes you,' he explained, 'for the freedom of Eucalyptus
City, as you'd say at home. When you want it, you've only to come
and fetch it--in a pail. You're among friends.'

"He backed up this assurance by shaking my hand a second time, and
with great fervour. And so we parted.

"As I neared the spring on my homeward road I saw Miss Montmorency
standing beside the track, awaiting me. She looked decidedly better,
and handed me back my handkerchief, almost dry and neatly folded.

"'And how did you find him?' she asked.
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