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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 106 of 158 (67%)

SURFACE. Well there certainly is no knowing what men are capable of--
no--there is no knowing--yet I can't but think Lady Teazle herself
has too much Principle----

SIR PETER. Aye but what's Principle against the Flattery of a
handsome--lively young Fellow--

SURFACE. That's very true--

SIR PETER. And then you know the difference of our ages makes it very
improbable that she should have any great affection for me--and if she
were to be frail and I were to make it Public--why the Town would only
laugh at the foolish old Batchelor, who had married a girl----

SURFACE. That's true--to be sure People would laugh.

SIR PETER. Laugh--aye and make Ballads--and Paragraphs and the Devil
knows what of me--

SURFACE. No--you must never make it public--

SIR PETER. But then again that the Nephew of my old Friend,
Sir Oliver[,] should be the Person to attempt such an injury--
hurts me more nearly--

SURFACE. Undoubtedly--when Ingratitude barbs the Dart of Injury--
the wound has double danger in it--

SIR PETER. Aye--I that was in a manner left his Guardian--
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