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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 107 of 158 (67%)
in his House he had been so often entertain'd--who never in my Life
denied him my advice--

SURFACE. O 'tis not to be credited--There may be a man capable
of such Baseness, to be sure--but for my Part till you can give me
positive Proofs you must excuse me withholding my Belief. However,
if this should be proved on him He is no longer a brother of mine
I disclaim kindred with him--for the man who can break thro' the Laws
of Hospitality--and attempt the wife of his Friend deserves to be
branded as the Pest of Society.

SIR PETER. What a difference there is between you--what noble

SURFACE. But I cannot suspect Lady Teazle's honor.

SIR PETER. I'm sure I wish to think well of her--and to remove
all ground of Quarrel between us--She has lately reproach'd me more
than once with having made no settlement on her--and, in our last
Quarrel, she almost hinted that she should not break her Heart if
I was dead.--now as we seem to differ in our Ideas of Expense
I have resolved she shall be her own Mistress in that Respect
for the future--and if I were to die--she shall find that I have not
been inattentive to her Interests while living--Here my Friend
are the Draughts of two Deeds which I wish to have your opinion on--
by one she will enjoy eight hundred a year independent while I live--
and by the other the bulk of my Fortune after my Death.

SURFACE. This conduct Sir Peter is indeed truly Generous! I wish
it may not corrupt my pupil.--[Aside.]
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