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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 108 of 158 (68%)

SIR PETER. Yes I am determined she shall have no cause to complain--
tho' I would not have her acquainted with the latter instance of my
affection yet awhile.

SURFACE. Nor I--if I could help it.

SIR PETER. And now my dear Friend if you please we will talk over
the situation of your Hopes with Maria.

SURFACE. No--no--Sir Peter--another Time if you Please--[softly].

SIR PETER. I am sensibly chagrined at the little Progress you seem
to make in her affection.

SURFACE. I beg you will not mention it--What are my Disappointments
when your Happiness is in Debate [softly]. 'Sdeath I shall be ruined
every way.

SIR PETER. And tho' you are so averse to my acquainting Lady Teazle
with YOUR passion, I am sure she's not your Enemy in the Affair.

SURFACE. Pray Sir Peter, now oblige me.--I am really too much
affected by the subject we have been speaking of to bestow a thought
on my own concerns--The Man who is entrusted with his Friend's
Distresses can never----


Well, Sir?
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