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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 109 of 158 (68%)

SERVANT. Your Brother Sir, is--speaking to a Gentleman in the Street,
and says He knows you're within.

SURFACE. 'Sdeath, Blockhead--I'm NOT within--I'm out for the Day.

SIR PETER. Stay--hold--a thought has struck me--you shall be at home.

SURFACE. Well--well--let him up.--
He'll interrupt Sir Peter, however. [Aside.]

SIR PETER. Now, my good Friend--oblige me I Intreat you--before
Charles comes--let me conceal myself somewhere--Then do you tax him
on the Point we have been talking on--and his answers may satisfy me
at once.--

SURFACE. O Fie--Sir Peter--would you have ME join in so mean
a Trick? to trepan my Brother too?

SIR PETER. Nay you tell me you are SURE He is innocent--if so you
do him the greatest service in giving him an opportunity to clear
himself--and--you will set my Heart at rest--come you shall not refuse
me--here behind this Screen will be--hey! what the Devil--there seems
to be one listener here already--I'll swear I saw a Petticoat.--

SURFACE. Ha! ha! ha! Well this is ridiculous enough--I'll tell you,
Sir Peter--tho' I hold a man of Intrigue to be a most despicable
Character--yet you know it doesn't follow that a man is to be an
absolute Joseph either--hark'ee--'tis a little French Milliner--
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