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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 14 of 158 (08%)
Charles has no Friend in the House--though I fear he has a powerful
one in Maria's Heart, against whom we must direct our schemes.

SERVANT. Mr. Surface.

LADY SNEERWELL. Shew him up. He generally calls about this Time.
I don't wonder at People's giving him to me for a Lover.


SURFACE. My dear Lady Sneerwell, how do you do to-day--your most

LADY SNEERWELL. Miss Verjuice has just been arraigning me on our
mutual attachment now; but I have informed her of our real views
and the Purposes for which our Geniuses at present co-operate.
You know how useful she has been to us--and believe me the confidence
is not ill-placed.

SURFACE. Madam, it is impossible for me to suspect that a Lady of
Miss Verjuice's sensibility and discernment----

LADY SNEERWELL. Well--well--no compliments now--but tell me when
you saw your mistress or what is more material to me your Brother.

SURFACE. I have not seen either since I saw you--but I can inform
you that they are at present at Variance--some of your stories have
taken good effect on Maria.

LADY SNEERWELL. Ah! my dear Verjuice the merit of this belongs
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