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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 15 of 158 (09%)
to you. But do your Brother's Distresses encrease?

SURFACE. Every hour. I am told He had another execution in his
house yesterday--in short his Dissipation and extravagance exceed
anything I have ever heard of.


SURFACE. True Madam--notwithstanding his Vices one can't help
feeling for him--ah poor Charles! I'm sure I wish it was in
my Power to be of any essential Service to him--for the man
who does not share in the Distresses of a Brother--even though
merited by his own misconduct--deserves----

LADY SNEERWELL. O Lud you are going to be moral, and forget
that you are among Friends.

SURFACE. Egad, that's true--I'll keep that sentiment till I see
Sir Peter. However it is certainly a charity to rescue Maria from
such a Libertine who--if He is to be reclaim'd, can be so only by a
Person of your Ladyship's superior accomplishments and understanding.

VERJUICE. 'Twould be a Hazardous experiment.

SURFACE. But--Madam--let me caution you to place no more confidence
in our Friend Snake the Libeller--I have lately detected him
in frequent conference with old Rowland [Rowley] who was formerly
my Father's Steward and has never been a friend of mine.

LADY SNEERWELL. I'm not disappointed in Snake, I never suspected
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