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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 16 of 158 (10%)
the fellow to have virtue enough to be faithful even to his own


Maria my dear--how do you do--what's the matter?

MARIA. O here is that disagreeable lover of mine, Sir Benjamin
Backbite, has just call'd at my guardian's with his odious
Uncle Crabtree--so I slipt out and ran hither to avoid them.

LADY SNEERWELL. Is that all?

VERJUICE. Lady Sneerwell--I'll go and write the Letter I mention'd
to you.

SURFACE. If my Brother Charles had been of the Party, madam,
perhaps you would not have been so much alarmed.

LADY SNEERWELL. Nay now--you are severe for I dare swear the Truth
of the matter is Maria heard YOU were here--but my dear--what has
Sir Benjamin done that you should avoid him so----

MARIA. Oh He has done nothing--but his conversation is a perpetual
Libel on all his Acquaintance.

SURFACE. Aye and the worst of it is there is no advantage in not
knowing Them, for He'll abuse a stranger just as soon as his best
Friend--and Crabtree is as bad.

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