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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 20 of 158 (12%)
that matter was never rightly clear'd up.

SURFACE. The license of invention some people take is monstrous

MARIA. 'Tis so but in my opinion, those who report such things
are equally culpable.

MRS. CANDOUR. To be sure they are[;] Tale Bearers are as bad as
the Tale makers--'tis an old observation and a very true one--but
what's to be done as I said before--how will you prevent People from
talking--to-day, Mrs. Clackitt assured me, Mr. and Mrs. Honeymoon
were at last become mere man and wife--like [the rest of their]
acquaintance--she likewise hinted that a certain widow in the next
street had got rid of her Dropsy and recovered her shape in a most
surprising manner--at the same [time] Miss Tattle, who was by
affirm'd, that Lord Boffalo had discover'd his Lady at a house of
no extraordinary Fame--and that Sir Harry Bouquet and Tom Saunter
were to measure swords on a similar Provocation. but--Lord! do you
think I would report these Things--No, no[!] Tale Bearers as I said
before are just as bad as the talemakers.

SURFACE. Ah! Mrs. Candour, if everybody had your Forbearance and
good nature--

MRS. CANDOUR. I confess Mr. Surface I cannot bear to hear People
traduced behind their Backs[;] and when ugly circumstances come out
against our acquaintances I own I always love to think the best--by
the bye I hope 'tis not true that your Brother is absolutely ruin'd--

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