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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 21 of 158 (13%)
SURFACE. I am afraid his circumstances are very bad indeed, Ma'am--

MRS. CANDOUR. Ah! I heard so--but you must tell him to keep up
his Spirits--everybody almost is in the same way--Lord Spindle,
Sir Thomas Splint, Captain Quinze, and Mr. Nickit--all up, I hear,
within this week; so, if Charles is undone, He'll find half his
Acquaintance ruin'd too, and that, you know, is a consolation--

SURFACE. Doubtless, Ma'am--a very great one.


SERVANT. Mr. Crabtree and Sir Benjamin Backbite.

LADY SNEERWELL. Soh! Maria, you see your lover pursues you--
Positively you shan't escape.


CRABTREE. Lady Sneerwell, I kiss your hand. Mrs. Candour I don't
believe you are acquainted with my Nephew Sir Benjamin Backbite--
Egad, Ma'am, He has a pretty wit--and is a pretty Poet too isn't He
Lady Sneerwell?

SIR BENJAMIN. O fie, Uncle!

CRABTREE. Nay egad it's true--I back him at a Rebus or a Charade
against the best Rhymer in the Kingdom--has your Ladyship heard
the Epigram he wrote last week on Lady Frizzle's Feather catching
Fire--Do Benjamin repeat it--or the Charade you made last Night
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