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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 25 of 158 (15%)

SURFACE. Not that I know of indeed Sir.

CRABTREE. He has been in the East Indies a long time--you can
scarcely remember him--I believe--sad comfort on his arrival
to hear how your Brother has gone on!

SURFACE. Charles has been imprudent Sir to be sure[;] but I hope
no Busy people have already prejudiced Sir Oliver against him--
He may reform--

SIR BENJAMIN. To be sure He may--for my Part I never believed him
to be so utterly void of Principle as People say--and tho'
he has lost all his Friends I am told nobody is better spoken of--
by the Jews.

CRABTREE. That's true egad nephew--if the Old Jewry was a Ward
I believe Charles would be an alderman--no man more popular there,
'fore Gad I hear He pays as many annuities as the Irish Tontine
and that whenever He's sick they have Prayers for the recovery
of his Health in the synagogue--

SIR BENJAMIN. Yet no man lives in greater Splendour:--they tell me
when He entertains his Friends--He can sit down to dinner with
a dozen of his own Securities, have a score Tradesmen waiting
in the Anti-Chamber, and an officer behind every guest's Chair.

SURFACE. This may be entertainment to you Gentlemen but you pay
very little regard to the Feelings of a Brother.

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