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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 24 of 158 (15%)
MRS. CANDOUR. Well but this may be all mistake--You know,
Sir Benjamin very trifling circumstances often give rise to
the most injurious Tales.

CRABTREE. That they do I'll be sworn Ma'am--did you ever hear
how Miss Shepherd came to lose her Lover and her Character
last summer at Tunbridge--Sir Benjamin you remember it--

SIR BENJAMIN. O to be sure the most whimsical circumstance--

LADY SNEERWELL. How was it Pray--

CRABTREE. Why one evening at Mrs. Ponto's Assembly--the conversation
happened to turn on the difficulty of breeding Nova-Scotia Sheep
in this country--says a young Lady in company[, "]I have known
instances of it[--]for Miss Letitia Shepherd, a first cousin of mine,
had a Nova-Scotia Sheep that produced her Twins.["--"]What!["] cries
the old Dowager Lady Dundizzy (who you know is as deaf as a Post),
["]has Miss Letitia Shepherd had twins["]--This Mistake--as you may
imagine, threw the whole company into a fit of Laughing--However
'twas the next morning everywhere reported and in a few Days believed
by the whole Town, that Miss Letitia Shepherd had actually been
brought to Bed of a fine Boy and Girl--and in less than a week
there were People who could name the Father, and the Farm House
where the Babies were put out to Nurse.

LADY SNEERWELL. Strange indeed!

CRABTREE. Matter of Fact, I assure you--O Lud! Mr. Surface pray
is it true that your uncle Sir Oliver is coming home--
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