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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 23 of 158 (14%)
CRABTREE. No ma'am that's not it.--Miss Nicely is going to be
married to her own Footman.

MRS. CANDOUR. Impossible!

CRABTREE. Ask Sir Benjamin.

SIR BENJAMIN. 'Tis very true, Ma'am--everything is fixed and the
wedding Livery bespoke.

CRABTREE. Yes and they say there were pressing reasons for't.

MRS. CANDOUR. It cannot be--and I wonder any one should believe
such a story of so prudent a Lady as Miss Nicely.

SIR BENJAMIN. O Lud! ma'am, that's the very reason 'twas believed
at once. She has always been so cautious and so reserved, that
everybody was sure there was some reason for it at bottom.

LADY SNEERWELL. Yes a Tale of Scandal is as fatal to the Reputation
of a prudent Lady of her stamp as a Fever is generally to those
of the strongest Constitutions, but there is a sort of puny sickly
Reputation, that is always ailing yet will outlive the robuster
characters of a hundred Prudes.

SIR BENJAMIN. True Madam there are Valetudinarians in Reputation
as well as constitution--who being conscious of their weak Part,
avoid the least breath of air, and supply their want of Stamina
by care and circumspection--

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