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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 29 of 158 (18%)

SIR PETER. A good--question to a married man--

ROWLEY. Nay I'm sure your Lady Sir Peter can't be the cause of your

SIR PETER. Why has anybody told you she was dead[?]

ROWLEY. Come, come, Sir Peter, you love her, notwithstanding your
tempers do not exactly agree.

SIR PETER. But the Fault is entirely hers, Master Rowley--I am
myself, the sweetest temper'd man alive, and hate a teasing temper;
and so I tell her a hundred Times a day--

ROWLEY. Indeed!

SIR PETER. Aye and what is very extraordinary in all our disputes
she is always in the wrong! But Lady Sneerwell, and the Set she meets
at her House, encourage the perverseness of her Disposition--then
to complete my vexations--Maria--my Ward--whom I ought to have
the Power of a Father over, is determined to turn Rebel too and
absolutely refuses the man whom I have long resolved on for her
husband--meaning I suppose, to bestow herself on his profligate

ROWLEY. You know Sir Peter I have always taken the Liberty to differ
with you on the subject of these two young Gentlemen--I only wish
you may not be deceived in your opinion of the elder. For Charles,
my life on't! He will retrieve his errors yet--their worthy Father,
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