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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 30 of 158 (18%)
once my honour'd master, was at his years nearly as wild a spark.

SIR PETER. You are wrong, Master Rowley--on their Father's Death
you know I acted as a kind of Guardian to them both--till their uncle
Sir Oliver's Eastern Bounty gave them an early independence. Of
course no person could have more opportunities of judging of their
Hearts--and I was never mistaken in my life. Joseph is indeed a model
for the young men of the Age--He is a man of Sentiment--and acts up
to the Sentiments he professes--but for the other[,] take my word
for't [if] he had any grain of Virtue by descent--he has dissipated it
with the rest of his inheritance. Ah! my old Friend, Sir Oliver will
be deeply mortified when he finds how Part of his Bounty has been

ROWLEY. I am sorry to find you so violent against the young man
because this may be the most critical Period of his Fortune.
I came hither with news that will surprise you.

SIR PETER. What! let me hear--

ROWLEY. Sir Oliver is arrived and at this moment in Town.

SIR PETER. How!--you astonish me--I thought you did not expect him
this month!--

ROWLEY. I did not--but his Passage has been remarkably quick.

SIR PETER. Egad I shall rejoice to see my old Friend--'Tis sixteen
years since we met--We have had many a Day together--but does he still
enjoin us not to inform his Nephews of his Arrival?
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