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School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 31 of 158 (19%)

ROWLEY. Most strictly--He means, before He makes it known to make
some trial of their Dispositions and we have already planned something
for the purpose.

SIR PETER. Ah there needs no art to discover their merits--however
he shall have his way--but pray does he know I am married!

ROWLEY. Yes and will soon wish you joy.

SIR PETER. You may tell him 'tis too late--ah Oliver will laugh
at me--we used to rail at matrimony together--but He has been steady
to his Text--well He must be at my house tho'--I'll instantly give
orders for his Reception--but Master Rowley--don't drop a word that
Lady Teazle and I ever disagree.

ROWLEY. By no means.

SIR PETER. For I should never be able to stand Noll's jokes; so I'd
have him think that we are a very happy couple.

ROWLEY. I understand you--but then you must be very careful not
to differ while He's in the House with you.

SIR PETER. Egad--and so we must--that's impossible. Ah! Master
Rowley when an old Batchelor marries a young wife--He deserves--
no the crime carries the Punishment along with it.

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