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Paul et Virginie. English;Paul and Virginia by Bernardin De Saint-Pierre
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by Bernardin de Saint Pierre

With A Memoir Of The Author


In introducing to the Public the present edition of this well known
and affecting Tale,--the _chef d'oeuvre_ of its gifted author, the
Publishers take occasion to say, that it affords them no little
gratification, to apprise the numerous admirers of "Paul and Virginia,"
that the _entire_ work of St. Pierre is now presented to them. All the
previous editions have been disfigured by interpolations, and mutilated
by numerous omissions and alterations, which have had the effect of
reducing it from the rank of a Philosophical Tale, to the level of a
mere story for children.

Of the merits of "Paul and Virginia," it is hardly necessary to utter
a word; it tells its own story eloquently and impressively, and in a
language simple, natural and true, it touches the common heart of the
world. There are but few works that have obtained a greater degree
of popularity, none are more deserving it; and the Publishers cannot
therefore refrain from expressing a hope that their efforts in thus
giving a faithful transcript of the work,--an acknowledged classic by
the European world,--may be, in some degree, instrumental in awakening
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