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Mary Barton by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
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by Elizabeth Gaskell


I. A mysterious disappearance.
II. A Manchester tea-party.
III. John Barton's great trouble.
IV. Old Alice's history.
V. The mill on fire--Jem Wilson to the rescue.
VI. Poverty and death.
VII. Jem Wilson's repulse.
VIII. Margaret's debut as a public singer.
IX. Barton's London experiences.
X. Return of the prodigal.
XI. Mr. Carson's intentions revealed.
XII. Old Alice's bairn.
XIII. A traveller's tales.
XIV. Jem's interview with poor Esther.
XV. A violent meeting between the rivals.
XVI. Meeting between masters and workmen.
XVII. Barton's night errand.
XVIII. Murder.
XIX. Jem Wilson arrested on suspicion.
XX. Mary's dream--and the awakening.
XXI. Esther's motive in seeking Mary.
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