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Rosmersholm by Henrik Ibsen
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(SCENE--The sitting-room at Rosmersholm; a spacious room,
comfortably furnished in old-fashioned style. In the foreground,
against the right-hand wall, is a stove decorated with sprigs of
fresh birch and wild flowers. Farther back, a door. In the back
wall folding doors leading into the entrance hall. In the left-
hand wall a window, in front of which is a stand filled with
flowers and plants. Near the stove stand a table, a couch and an
easy-chair. The walls are hung round with portraits, dating from
various periods, of clergymen, military officers and other
officials in uniform. The window is open, and so are the doors
into the lobby and the outer door. Through the latter is seen an
avenue of old trees leading to a courtyard. It is a summer
evening, after sunset. REBECCA WEST is sitting by the window
crocheting a large white woollen shawl, which is nearly
completed. From time to time she peeps out of window through the
flowers. MRS. HELSETH comes in from the right.)

Mrs. Helseth. Hadn't I better begin and lay the table for supper,

Rebecca. Yes, do. Mr. Rosmer ought to be in directly.

Mrs. Helseth. Isn't there a draught where you are sitting, miss?

Rebecca. There is a little. Will you shut up, please? (MRS.
HELSETH goes to the hall door and shuts it. Then she goes to the
window, to shut it, and looks out.)
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