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Rosmersholm by Henrik Ibsen
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Mrs. Helseth. Isn't that Mr. Rosmer coming there?

Rebecca. Where? (Gets up.) Yes, it is he. (Stands behind the
window-curtain.) Stand on one side. Don't let him catch sight of

Mrs. Helseth (stepping back). Look, miss--he is beginning to use
the mill path again.

Rebecca. He came by the mill path the day before yesterday too.
(Peeps out between the curtain and the window-frame). Now we
shall see whether--

Mrs. Helseth. Is he going over the wooden bridge?

Rebecca. That is just what I want to see. (After a moment.) No.
He has turned aside. He is coming the other way round to-day too.
(Comes away from the window.) It is a long way round.

Mrs. Helseth. Yes, of course. One can well understand his
shrinking from going over that bridge. The spot where such a
thing has happened is--

Rebecca (folding up her work). They cling to their dead a long
time at Rosmersholm.

Mrs. Helseth. If you ask me, miss, I should say it is the dead
that cling to Rosmersholm a long time.

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