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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 35 of 248 (14%)
"I wanted to get at you."

"I gather that."

"There didn't seem any other way. It's jolly difficult to get at
you. You're so jolly artful."

"Tell me how you managed it."

"There's a little bridge for signals just outside Waterloo. I
could see that the train would have to pass under it. So I climbed
up and waited. It being a foggy night, you see, nobody twigged me.
I say, you are Prince Blank, ain't you?"

"I am Prince Blank."

"Should have been mad if I'd landed the wrong man."

"Go on."

"I knew which was your carriage--leastways, I guessed it; and as it
came along, I did a drop." Tommy spread out her arms and legs to
illustrate the action. "The lamps, you know," explained Tommy,
still dabbing at her face--"one of them caught me."

"And from the roof?"

"Oh, well, it was easy after that. There's an iron thing at the
back, and steps. You've only got to walk downstairs and round the
corner, and there you are. Bit of luck your other door not being
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