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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 36 of 248 (14%)
locked. I hadn't thought of that. Haven't got such a thing as a
handkerchief about you, have you?"

The Prince drew one from his sleeve and passed it to her. "You
mean to tell me, boy--"

"Ain't a boy," explained Tommy. "I'm a girl!"

She said it sadly. Deeming her new friends such as could be
trusted, Tommy had accepted their statement that she really was a
girl. But for many a long year to come the thought of her lost
manhood tinged her voice with bitterness.

"A girl!"

Tommy nodded her head.

"Umph!" said the Prince; "I have heard a good deal about the
English girl. I was beginning to think it exaggerated. Stand up."

Tommy obeyed. It was not altogether her way; but with those eyes
beneath their shaggy brows bent upon her, it seemed the simplest
thing to do.

"So. And now that you are here, what do you want?"

"To interview you."

Tommy drew forth her list of questions.

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