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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 6 of 248 (02%)
"You're Mr. Hope, ain't you, second floor, 16, Gough Square?"

"That is my name."

"You want somebody to do for you?"

"You mean a housekeeper!"

"Didn't say anything about housekeeper. Said you wanted somebody
to do for you--cook and clean the place up. Heard 'em talking
about it in the shop this afternoon. Old lady in green bonnet was
asking Mother Hammond if she knew of anyone."

"Mrs. Postwhistle--yes, I did ask her to look out for someone for
me. Why, do you know of anyone? Have you been sent by anybody?"

"You don't want anything too 'laborate in the way o' cooking? You
was a simple old chap, so they said; not much trouble."

"No--no. I don't want much--someone clean and respectable. But
why couldn't she come herself? Who is it?"

"Well, what's wrong about me?"

"I beg your pardon," said Mr. Peter Hope.

"Why won't I do? I can make beds and clean rooms--all that sort o'
thing. As for cooking, I've got a natural aptitude for it. You
ask Emma; she'll tell you. You don't want nothing 'laborate?"

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