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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 7 of 248 (02%)
"Elizabeth," said Mr. Peter Hope, as he crossed and, taking up the
poker, proceeded to stir the fire, "are we awake or asleep?"

Elizabeth thus appealed to, raised herself on her hind legs and dug
her claws into her master's thigh. Mr. Hope's trousers being thin,
it was the most practical answer she could have given him.

"Done a lot of looking after other people for their benefit,"
continued Tommy. "Don't see why I shouldn't do it for my own."

"My dear--I do wish I knew whether you were a boy or a girl. Do
you seriously suggest that I should engage you as my housekeeper?"
asked Mr. Peter Hope, now upright with his back to the fire.

"I'd do for you all right," persisted Tommy. "You give me my grub
and a shake-down and, say, sixpence a week, and I'll grumble less
than most of 'em."

"Don't be ridiculous," said Mr. Peter Hope.

"You won't try me?"

"Of course not; you must be mad."

"All right. No harm done." The dirty hand reached out towards the
desk, and possessing itself again of Hammond's Bill of Fare,
commenced the operations necessary for bearing it away in safety.

"Here's a shilling for you," said Mr. Peter Hope.

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