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Tommy and Co. by Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka) Jerome
page 8 of 248 (03%)
"Rather not," said Tommy. "Thanks all the same."

"Nonsense!" said Mr. Peter Hope.

"Rather not," repeated Tommy. "Never know where that sort of thing
may lead you to."

"All right," said Mr. Peter Hope, replacing the coin in his pocket.

The figure moved towards the door.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute," said Mr. Peter Hope irritably.

The figure, with its hand upon the door, stood still.

"Are you going back to Hammond's?"

"No. I've finished there. Only took me on for a couple o' weeks,
while one of the gals was ill. She came back this morning."

"Who are your people?"

Tommy seemed puzzled. "What d'ye mean?"

"Well, whom do you live with?"


"You've got nobody to look after you--to take care of you?"
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