Romantic Ballads, Translated from the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces by George Henry Borrow
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AND MISCELLANEOUS PIECES Contents: Preface Lines from Allan Cunningham to George Borrow The Death-raven. From the Danish of Oehlenslaeger Fridleif and Helga. From the Danish of Oehlenslaeger Sir Middel. From the Old Danish Elvir-shades. From the Danish of Oehlenslaeger The Heddybee-spectre. From the Old Danish Sir John. From the Old Danish May Asda. From the Danish of Oehlenslaeger Aager and Eliza. From the Old Danish Saint Oluf. From the Old Danish The Heroes of Dovrefeld. From the Old Danish Svend Vonved. From the Old Danish The Tournament. From the Old Danish Vidrik Verlandson. From the Old Danish Elvir Hill. From the Old Danish Waldemar's Chase The Merman. From the Old Danish The Deceived Merman. From the Old Danish Miscellanies: |