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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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Jovita (angrily). You would not dare to talk to me thus if John
Oakhurst--ah! (Checking herself.)

Sandy (drops glass on table, hurries to centre, and seizes DONA
JOVITA). Eh! Wot name did you say? (Looks at her amazed and

Jovita (terrified, aside). Mother of God! What have I done?
Broken my sacred pledge to keep his name secret. No! No! Diego
did not hear me! Surely this wretched drunkard does not know him.
(Aloud.) Nothing. I said nothing: I mentioned no name.

Sandy (still amazed, frightened, and bewildered, passing his hand
over his forehead slowly). Ye mentioned no name? Surely. I am
wild, crazed. Tell me, miss--ye didn't,--I know ye didn't, but I
thought it sounded like it,--ye didn't mention the name of--of--of--
John Oakhurst?

Jovita (hurriedly). No, of course not! You terrify me, Diego.
You are wild.

Sandy (dropping her hand with a sigh of relief). No, no! In
course ye didn't. I was wild, miss, wild; this drink has confused
me yer. (Pointing to his head.) There are times when I hear that
name, miss,--times when I see his face. (Sadly.) But it's when
I've took too much--too much. I'll drink no more--no more!--
to-night--to-night! (Drops his head slowly in his hands.)

Jovita (looking at DIEGO--aside). Really, I'm feeling very
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