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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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uncomfortable. I'd like to ask a question of this maniac. But
nonsense! Don Juan gave me to understand Oakhurst wasn't his real
name; that is, he intimated there was something dreadful and
mysterious about it that mustn't be told,--something that would
frighten people. HOLY VIRGIN! it has! Why, this reckless vagabond
here is pale and agitated. Don Juan shall explain this mystery to-
night. But then, how shall I see him? Ah, I have it. The night
of the last festa, when I could not leave the rancho, he begged me
to show a light from the flat roof of the upper corridor, that he
might know I was thinking of him,--dear fellow! He will linger to-
night at the Mission; he will see the light; he will know that I
have not forgotten. He will approach the rancho; I shall manage to
slip away at midnight to the ruined Mission. I shall--ah, it is my
father! Holy Virgin, befriend me now with self-possession.
(Stands quietly at L., looking toward SANDY, who still remains
buried in thought, as)--

Enter DON JOSE; regards his daughter and DIEGO with a sarcastic

Don Jose (aside). Bueno! It is as I expected,--an explanation, an
explosion, a lover's quarrel, an end to romance. From his looks I
should say she has been teaching the adventurer a lesson. Good! I
could embrace her. (Crosses to SANDY--aloud.) You still here!

Sandy (rising with a start). Yes! I--a--I was only taking leave
of Miss Jovita that hez bin kind to me. She's a good gal, ole man,
and won't be any the worse when I'm gone.--Good-by, Miss Jovita
(extending his hand): I wish ye luck.

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