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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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Jovita (coldly). Adios, friend Diego. (Aside, hurriedly.) You
will not expose my secret?

Sandy (aside). It ain't in me, miss. (To DON JOSE, going.)
Adios, ole man. (Shouldering his pack.)

Don Jose. Adios, friend Diego. (Formally.) May good luck attend
you! (Aside.) You understand, on your word as--as--as--A
GENTLEMAN!--you have no further communication with this rancho, or
aught that it contains.

Sandy (gravely). I hear ye, ole man. Adios. (Goes to gateway,
but pauses at table, and begins to fill a glass of aguardiente.)

Don Jose (aside, looking at his daughter). I could embrace her
now. She is truly a Castro. (Aloud to JOVITA.) Hark ye, little
one! I have news that will please you, and--who knows? perhaps
break up the monotony of the dull life of the rancho. To-night
come to me two famous caballeros, Americanos, you understand: they
will be here soon, even now. Retire, and make ready to receive
them. [Exit JOVITA.

Don Jose (aside, looking at SANDY). He lingers. I shall not be
satisfied until Concho has seen him safely beyond the Mission wall.


Concho. Two caballeros have dismounted in the corral, and seek the
honor of Don Jose's presence.

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