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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 23 of 150 (15%)
irreverent, certainly. Fought with cimeters. Second pass, Ram
divided Tod in two pieces--fact, sir--just here (pointing) in--er--
er--regions of moral emotions. Upper half called to me,--said to
me warningly--last words--never forget it,--"Star,"--always called
me Star,--"Respect man's religious convictions." Legs dead;
emotion confined to upper part of body--pathetic picture. Ged,
sir, something to be remembered!

Don Jose (with grave Spanish courtesy). You are welcome,
gentlemen, to the rancho of the Blessed Fisherman. Your letters,
with their honorable report, are here. Believe me, senores, in
your modesty you have forgotten to mention your strongest claim to
the hospitality of my house,--the royal right of strangers.

Morton. Angels before this have been entertained as strangers,
says the Good Book; and that, I take it, is your authority for this
ceremoniousness which else were but lip-service and Papist airs.
But I am here in the performance of a duty, Mr. Castro,--the duty
of a Christian father. I am seeking a prodigal son. I am seeking
him in his wine-husks and among his harl--

Starbottle (interrupting). A single moment. (To DON JOSE.)
Permit me to--er--er--explain. As my friend Mr. Morton states, we
are, in fact, at present engaged in--er--er--quest--er--pilgrimage
that possibly to some, unless deterred by considerations of
responsibility--personal responsibility--sir--Ged, sir, might be
looked upon as visionary, enthusiastic, sentimental, fanatical. We
are seeking a son, or, as my friend tersely and scripturally
expresses it--er--er--prodigal son. I say scripturally, sir, and
tersely, but not, you understand it, literally, nor I may add, sir,
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