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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 27 of 150 (18%)
the case you have just stated would appear to be the--er--er--
normal condition of the--er--youth of America. But why was he
discharged? (Pouring out liquor.)

Manuela (demurely glancing at the colonel). He was drunk, senor.

Starbottle (potently). Drunkenness, my child, which is--er--
weakness in the--er--er--gentleman, in the subordinate is a crime.
What--er--excites the social impulse and exhilarates the fancy of
the--er--master of the house, in the performance of his duty,
renders the servant unfit for his. Legally it is a breach of
contract. I should give it as my opinion,--for which I am
personally responsible,--that your friend Diego could not recover.
Ged! (Aside.) I wonder if this scapegoat could be our black

Manuela. But that was not all, senor. It was an excuse only. He
was sent away for helping our young lady to a cavalier. He was
discharged because he would not be a traitor to her. He was sent
away because he was too good, too honorable,--too-- (Bursts out

Starbottle (aside). Oh, the Devil! THIS is no Sandy Morton.
(Coming forward gravely.) I have never yet analyzed the--er--er--
character of the young gentleman I have the honor to assist in
restoring to his family and society; but judging--er--calmly--er--
dispassionately, my knowledge of his own father--from what the old
gentleman must have been in his unregenerate state, and knowing
what he is now in his present reformed Christian condition, I
should say calmly and deliberately that the son must be the most
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