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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 28 of 150 (18%)
infernal and accomplished villain unhung. Ged, I have a thought,
an inspiration. (To MANUELA, tapping her under the chin.) I see,
my dear; a lover, ha, ha! Ah, you rogue! Well, well, we will talk
of this again. I will--er--er--interest myself in this Diego.

Starbottle (solus). How would it do to get up a prodigal? Umph.
Something must be done soon: the old man grows languid in his
search. My position as a sinecure is--er--in peril. A prodigal
ready made! But could I get a scoundrel bad enough to satisfy the
old man? Ged, that's serious. Let me see: he admits that he is
unable to recognize his own son in face, features, manner, or
speech. Good! If I could pick up some rascal whose--er--
irregularities didn't quite fill the bill, and could say--Ged!--
that he was reforming. Reforming! Ged, Star! That very defect
would show the hereditary taint, demn me! I must think of this
seriously. Ged, Star! the idea is--an inspiration of humanity and
virtue. Who knows? it might be the saving of the vagabond,--a
crown of glory to the old man's age. Inspiration, did I say? Ged,
Star, it's a DUTY,--a sacred, solemn duty, for which you are
responsible,--personally responsible.

Lights down half. Enter from corridor L., MORTON, DON JOSE, the

Dona Jovita (stepping forward with exaggerated Spanish courtesy).
A thousand graces await your Excellency, Commander Don--Don--

Starbottle (bowing to the ground with equal delight and exaggerated
courtesy). Er--Coolpepero!
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