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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
page 29 of 150 (19%)

Dona Jovita. Don Culpepero! If we throw ourselves unasked at your
Excellency's feet (courtesy), if we appear unsought before the
light of your Excellency's eyes (courtesy), if we err in maidenly
decorum in thus seeking unbidden your Excellency's presence
(courtesy), believe us, it is the fear of some greater, some graver
indecorum in our conduct that has withdrawn your Excellency's
person from us since you have graced our roof with your company.
We know, Senor Commander, how superior are the charms of the
American ladies. It is in no spirit of rivalry with them, but to
show--Mother of God!--that we are not absolutely ugly, that we
intrude upon your Excellency's solitude. (Aside.) I shall need
the old fool, and shall use him.

Col. Starbottle (who has been bowing and saluting with equal
extravagance, during this speech--aside). Ged! she IS beautiful!
(Aloud.) Permit me er--er--Dona Jovita, to correct--Ged, I must
say it, correct erroneous statements. The man who should--er--
utter in my presence remarks disparaging those--er--charms it is my
privilege to behold, I should hold responsible,--Ged! personally
responsible. You--er--remind me of er--incident, trifling perhaps,
but pleasing, Charleston in '52,--a reception at John C. Calhoun's.
A lady, one of the demnedest beautiful women you ever saw, said to
me, "Star!"--she always called me Star,--"you've avoided me, you
have, Star! I fear you are no longer my friend."--"Your friend,
madam," I said. "No, I've avoided you because I am your lover."
Ged, Miss Jovita, a fact--demn me. Sensation. Husband heard
garbled report. He was old friend, but jealous, rash, indiscreet.
Fell at first fire--umph--January 5th. Lady--beautiful woman--
never forgave: went into convent. Sad affair. And all a mistake--
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