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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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Red Gulch.


The Banking-House of Morton & Son, San Francisco.


The Villa of Alexander Morton, sen., San Francisco.


ALEXANDER MORTON ("SANDY").--First dress: Mexican vaquero; black
velvet trousers open from knee, over white trousers; laced black
velvet jacket, and broad white sombrero; large silver spurs.
Second dress: miner's white duck jumper, and white duck trousers;
(sailor's) straw hat. Third dress: fashionable morning costume.
Fourth dress: full evening dress.

JOHN OAKHURST.--First dress: riding-dress, black, elegantly
fitting. Second and third dress: fashionable. Fourth dress: full
evening dress.

COL. STARBOTTLE.--First dress: blue double-breasted frock, and
white "strapped" trousers; white hat. Second dress: same coat,
blue trousers, and black broad-brimmed felt hat; cane, semper;
ruffles, semper. Third dress: the same. Fourth dress: the same,
with pumps.
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