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Two Men of Sandy Bar; a drama by Bret Harte
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YORK.--Fashionable morning dress.

JACKSON.--Business suit.

CONCHO.--First dress: vaquero's dress. Second dress: citizen's

HOP SING.--Dress of Chinese coolie: dark-blue blouse, and dark-blue
drawers gathered at ankles; straw conical hat, and wooden sabots.

DON JOSE.--First dress: serape, black, with gold embroidery.
Second class: fashionable black suit, with broad-brimmed black
stiff sombrero.

OLD MORTON.--First, second, third, and fourth dress: black, stiff,
with white cravat.

CAPPER.--Ordinary dress of period.

MISS MARY.--First dress: tasteful calico morning dress. Second and
third dress: lady's walking costume--fashionable. Fourth dress:
full dress.

DONA JOVITA.--First dress: handsome Spanish dress, with manta.
Second dress: more elaborate, same quality.

THE DUCHESS.--First dress: elaborate but extravagant fashionable
costume. Second dress: traveling dress.

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